Neural Melody Maker, spring 2019

Built as part of a hackathon, this project was my introduction to working with a machine learning api to generate musical sequences. The Neural Melody Maker uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to generate new variations of a melody.

  1. press 'Play' and toggle some notes to make a little starter melody
  2. once you're happy with what you've got press 'build melody' to hear and see how the neural network progresses it
  3. keep pressing 'Build Melody' to hear it grow and grow.

    (tip: The 'heat' index controls how far away from the original seed melody it will deviate, eg. the higher the heat number, the more random the melodies will sound and vice versa.)

Read the article I wrote about how I built this  here 

Try it out here. 

(Or check out the  deployed app 

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