About me

I grew up playing violin and have a degree in Technology in Music and Related Arts. I have a strong foundation in digital signal processing and audio manipulation, production, and composition. My first experiences with coding were for creative projects including installations using Max/MSP/Jitter, designing circuits and programs for arduinos, and hacking video codecs.

I have released music on labels including Ghostly International, Planet Mu, and True Panther.

Some music stuff I have done:

DJ set on Lot Radio, Oct 2020

live set at MoMA PS1 Warm-Up, 2018

co-composed music for Opening Ceremony runway show, 2016

REKR music video, 2016


How I made a Neural Melody Maker with Magenta.js, Medium, 2019

Ryuichi Sakamoto's Most Influential Releases, Noisey, 2016


Undergrowth - installation, 2011

Wrong Setting - video, 2008

Pretty Puked - animation, 2007

© 2021 Logan Takahashi